Thursday, January 3, 2008

2008, Here I Come!

I cannot believe how fast 2007 flew by. It was an exciting year for Ryan and I. We got married, got Brodie, and bought our house, and much more. Now that 2008 has arrived I have decided that I need to decide to focus on things to better myself. So with that comes my New Year's resolutions.

1. Eat healthier and exercise regularly. This is alway on my list in one form or another, but this year I decided that I don't need to lose a certain amount of weight or be a certain size, I just need to lead a healthier lifestyle.

2. Worry less. I am a huge worry wart and it makes me so stressed at times. When I am stressed it affects my productivity and I am usually crabby to Ryan. So this year I want to focus on positives things and do my best not to worry about things that are out of my control.

3. Do not procrastinate. If I do not want to do something I generally just put it off, but this only makes it worse. So this year I am going to approach these things with a get it done and over with attitude. This will be especially important since I am going to start grad school soon. With working 40+ hours a week, plus getting an MBA, I will not have time for procrastination.

4. This one is most important to me. I want to start building a stronger connection with God. I used to attend church on a regular basis and now it is a rarity. So my first task for the new year is to find a church for Ryan and I that we will look forward to attending every week.

I am looking forward to a wonderful and blessed 2008. I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2008!

1 comment:

Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad said...

Woo-hoo! Another blogger friend!

I can't wait to read more....