Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My 10 for 2010

Every year I make some new year's resolutions and maybe keep one or two of them. This year I am bound and determined to succeed. I thought that in order to succeed I will need to be specific in exactly what I want to accomplish. So here they are in no particular order.

1. I love to read, but rarely get the free time to do so, but this year I would like to read the Old Testament front to back by the end of the year.

2. Be a better wife. I am by no means an awful one, but I do admit that if I am having a bad day I usually take it out on him. Not cool I know. :( He does not know about this one, but I will be checking in with him (nonchalantly) periodically on how I am doing. He is always honest with me so this one should be easy to gauge. To help myself I have started reading "The Power of a Praying Wife" and also purchased "Created to Be His Help Meet" and the journal to go with it. I will start these after I finished reading the first.

3. Eat healthy. I do this for the most part, especially at breakfast and lunch, but my biggest pitfall is dinner. I get it in my head that I have been "good" all day so I should get to have whatever I want for dinner. I think dieting has done this to me. I deprive myself of things that I like and then finally just pig out on them. So my plan now is to eat what I want but in moderation. I will just aim to eat balanced meals and snacks throughout the day and watch my portions. This one will be the most difficult to measure, but it goes hand in hand with # 4.

4. Lose weight. This is one I have every year and I usually do, but always gain it back. I would like to lose 10 pounds by 5/1/10 and keep it off.

5. Work out. I still cannot figure out why I do not do this consistently cause I actually enjoy the way I feel after I do it (except for the whole out of breath thing lol). I would like to get to where I work out 3 times a week on a consistent week to week basis. I plan to use a journal to monitor this. This one will also help with #4.

5. Pay off debt. I have tallied up all our bills and set a plan to have everything (besides our cars and house) paid off by the end of the summer. This is one my hubs and I both have as a resolution. We want to be in a position once we have decided to have children that I can stay home or at least work part time if that is what we decide is best.

6. Spend less money! I plan to keep a file of what I spend money on, it seems all the little things add up to a lot. So I am going to find out what those are and weed as much of it out as possible. This one is not entirely measurable, but will reflect in # 7.

7. Save! This one should happen if I complete # 5 and succeed with # 6. I want to have $10K saved by the end of 2010.

8. Continue building my relationship with God. I would like to spend more time with him each day. This one is not exactly measurable, but will certainly be noticeable to me.

9. Stay in touch with friends. I am lucky that my friends and I can pick up where we left off, but we usually do go awhile without talking. This is especially true with my high school friends. They are still some of my best friends, but we live further apart so we don't get the time together that we once took for granted. My goal is to talk to at least two of my friends weekly. It does not have to be a long call, but anything time will allow. This also includes family that I don't talk to as much since I have moved to the MO side.

10. Get in to work early. Sounds simple I know, but I have a horrible time getting up in the morning. The snooze button is my best friend. I currently get in to work between 8 and 8:30. By June I would like to get in the office by 7 every morning. This will require 8 hours of sleep so I will need to start getting to bed by 9:30 or 10 at the latest.

So here is my 10 for 10. Wish me luck!

Hope you all have a blessed and healthy 2010!!!!!

1 comment:

Lyryn said...

Great list! Hope you had a great Christmas and a wonderful new years! Can't wait to catch up on all I've missed on your blog!