Thursday, February 2, 2012

Doctor's Visit Blues

Monday we had Layla's 15 mo. checkup and I swear each time we go it gets worse! Don't get me wrong I love her doctor, but Layla is terrified of everything about the doctor's office even though everyone is super friendly and the place is definitely decorated to appeal to kids. The doctor assures me that this is very common in kiddos her age and she will grow out of it. I sure hope so.

Our visit looked a little like this:

We walk in, check in, and take a seat. Layla sits on my lap for a minute or so until she warms up and decides to play with the toy thing next to us. She gets a little more brave and wanders over to check out the fish tank. About that time the nurse calls her name so I pick her up and we head back to one of the patient rooms. As soon as we enter the doorway, it was like a light bulb went off in her head and she starts screaming.

The whole time I am undressing her down to her diaper she is screaming.

As the nurse measures her length, she is screaming.

When I sit her on the scale, she is still screaming and holding out her arms for me. :(

After that we sit and wait for the doctor. She calms down after a few minutes and I think to myself "So glad that is over."

Guess again! As soon as the doctor steps in the door, she starts crying again. He senses my mommy panic and assures me this is normal for her age. Since she is still upset he said it is probably best to keep his distance and do the Q&A part first and then he will do his checkup. She screams the whole time we are talking. Once he starts listening to her heart, lungs, eyes, and ears she really starts screaming. She is literally pushing him and his instruments away from her. He is so patient and sweet with her, but Layla doesn't notice one bit. He is her mortal enemy at this point, yikes. After we get a clean bill health, he exits and says the nurse will be back to give Layla her shots.

She gets two shots and is equally upset as she has been the rest of the visit (not that I blame her).

Finally we can leave and she gets back to her usual happy self.

Can you you say super stressed mommy!? I hated seeing her so upset and feeling helpless to boot.

Any tips from you other mommies that worked for your kiddos and their doctor visit fears?

Here is an after pic of Layla, red faced and soaked with tears. I had to take a pic to show my hubs. Her little sad face just breaks my heart. :(

15 MO. Stats: 27lb 3 oz and 33 in tall :)

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